Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Wonderful End to August


Well this week was a wonderful week. Every week in the mission is wonderful, especially in the Spain Barcelona Mission. We beat our record of baptisms-missionwide-in-a-single-weekend. 20 children of God were baptized and confirmed this weekend! Last week I believe I shared a story about Juan Carlos. Well I have an update. He got baptized!!!!!!! It was a beautiful baptismal service. Juan Ricuardo, a young single adult who about to leave on a mission, baptized Juan Carlos. And Luis Alfredo, another youth who helped us with the visits, gave an AMAZING talk. We even had surprise guests, Los Hinckley. Last Thursday at a capacitacion, I told Hna Hinckley the miracle story. She loved it. It turns out that their son-in-law served as a branch president in Torino, where the girlfriend of Juan Carlos lives. Thus she said they would like to come. When the Hinckleys called to wish me happy birthday I reminded them about the baptism. Hna Hinckley said that they had another baptism to go to. But in the end they came to ours! I always love seeing the Hinckleys! The ward was super animated to have the Hinckleys come.

Yesterday Juan Carlos was confirmed by Elder Manotas. During priesthood class, I ordained Juan Carlos to the priesthood. It was my first time giving someone the priesthood. And of course blessing are always a challenge in Spanish because I´m not used to talking in "tu" form. And it was on the spot. I thought the Bishopric or someone would do it. But they asked me. I hope it went alright.

Everything here is still wonderful. September is going to be quite the exciting month. I won´t say anything yet. But it should be a good month, with a lot of learning and miracles!

And for the weekly miracle story.....
The Relief Society president has been asking our ward mission leader to have us visit a menos activa member who lives in a nearby pueblo. Finally this week he called us with her address and we set up a time with him to go visit her. When we passed by her house, she was not home. However, we met her 11 year old daughter who is not baptized. We set up another time to visit and returned later that week. We found out that the daughter was ready to be baptized once before, but one of the missionaries was transferred and she never got baptized. She still has strong desires to be baptized, so we set a new fecha with her! Our Relief Society president was quite excited when she found out we followed through on her "assignment."

Keep safe with all that crazy weather!

¡Hasta luego!

Elder Buchkovich

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