Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Estoy en Espana


Well it snowed again yesterday. In fact it has been quite chilly this past week. The weather is really random. One moment it is warm and sunny, the next it is snowy and windy! I am starting to wander if I am actually in Spain or if I am serving in Cleveland, Ohio. haha! We actually met a man from California yesterday. He is hiking el camino de Santiago. He told us that he might go home early though. He came to Spain expecting to enjoy warm, beautiful weather. Instead he has been freezing cold in snow! The poor man!!

I cannot believe I have been in Burgos for a whole transfer already. It was by far my most successful transfer!! Better than Cornellá!! We are working really hard and have seen a ton of success thanks to the members here. They really want to be a ward.

A miracle this week was the Noche de Hogar that we had with Cecilia and Felix. We originally invited them to hold a Noche de Hogar to help them form a stronger relationship in their marriage. We planned to teach them how to hold a small, simple but spiritual noche de hogar so that they could begin to hold them regularly as a family. We also asked them to invite the Romanian family that they live with. Well Cecilia and Felix went the extra mile with this noche de hogar. They not only invited the Romanian family, but everyone that lives with them. During the noche de hogar Cecilia shared a super powerful testimony on families and the Gospel. It was amazing! Normally the people living in this piso go their separate ways and do their own things. But during this noche de hogar you could realy note the unity and love between everyone. Thanks to this noche de hogar and the testimony of Cecilia, the Romanian family (whom were already teaching) is a lot more receptive to our message, and we have begun teaching Yamilka, one of the other piso-mates. The power of members is incredible!

Our recent converts are well cared for by the ward. They are all being visited by their home/visiting teachers. This Sunday during ward council our branch president read a letter from the stake that mentioned members teaching the new convert lessons. All the ward council members were really excited about doing this so that "the missionaries can focus more on investigators." I am thoroughly impressed with Burgos. It is a small branch, but the members really understand that they are the key to success. And they are excited about that!

Next week preparation day will be on Tuesday again because Día de Sant Jordi falls on Monday. So my emails will come on Tuesday.

¡Hasta luego!

Elder Buchkovich

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