Sunday, January 22, 2012

Los Reyes


Well the Holidays are finally over. I was able to experience Reyes (Kings´ Day) more this year. This year we happened to be in the right spot at the right time and were able to witness the parade of the Kings in Granollers. It was fun to watch. Then on the way to visits in Canovelles (adjacent town) we saw the end of its parade. Also this year a member gave us some Kings´ Day cake and candy. So all in all it was a nice cultural experience.

After every nightly planning session we always ask the Lord to help us know if we should change any of our plans. Several times this past week we have received answers to these prayers. One afternoon we were walking to our next visit when we ran into an old investigator who we were planning on passing by later that evening. He informed us that he had actually moved (from the piso we were planning on visiting) and that he would not be home that evening, but we could visit his new piso another day. We thus had enough notice to modify our plans for that evening. Then another morning we were walking to our first visit when we came across another investigator who we were planning on visiting during the afternoon. He informed us that he would not be home that afternoon. Again we had enough time to modify our plans. God knows how precious time is and is willing to help us use it as effectively as possible!

We actually had a little miracle visiting Edwin (recent convert) this week. I have been thinking a lot about what Elder Caussé said about baptisms being like mushrooms and coming in packs. I have been trying to figure out who else was being prepared with Edwin. He is here alone and works many hours. We have been trying to animate him to share the Gospel with his family in Valencia and Venezuela. But we have not had much success because he is super shy. This week we were in the middle of the lesson when his dueña walked in and smiled at us. She asked us,confusing us with former missionaries, "Do you remember me?" We were a bit embarrassed to say no. However we quickly found out that her daughter, Veronica, is an old investigator. As it turns out several of her family members are old investigators. We actually tried to visit them before, but had no success. However, this time they are much more receptive to us, now that they associate us with Edwin!

Elder Buchkovich

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